Thursday, July 4, 2013


This used to be rail lands but now is a recreation complex called cassiopeia.

Tempelhof (former) Airport

This used to be an airport but is now a guge park in the middle of the city.


A nice bike ride through the Grünewald ended sadly with my bike chain breaking in two (see last picture).

Funny things in Berlin

Nwe York City is not the only city where these things can occur...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Yesterday was the Christiphor Street Day Parade, a Gay Pride parade, all along 17th de Juni which is a road that leads to the Brandenburg Gate.
The last picture is the light off the water reflecting on the leaves.

Long Time no Post

These pictures are from Fete de la Musique, a celebration of the Longest day of the Year
The first two pictures are from the classical preformances we saw. The church where we saw them (2cd) and a cello and piano duet (1st)
The third is where we saw some Klezmer music
The fourth is a band playing classic hits from the 60s

Friday, June 21, 2013

June 20th Part 2: The Rain

We decided to walk home on this beautiful windy and soon stormy night.
In order from top:
That dark sky to the middle is the storm compared to the other sky which is just cloudy
Before it was raining you could see the lightning
We had to hide under a big awning while the rain poured (where this picture is taken from), the building with the plane is the the technikmuseum